Sunday, December 9, 2012

X-mas Lights

Just a few hours ago, we hung up our lights. Actually, someone in my family did, and I saw it afterwards, so I didn't really get much say. It looks kind of crappy, but I guess I'll judge it tonight when we light the lights. I hope it's pretty. 
We wrapped red lights around our flag pole, and we did it last year so I know it'll be pretty. 
Last year we put lights on the front of our house, but this year we put it on the back and I wish we hadn't, but then again, I didn't help so I shouldn't complain. 
I hope it's pretty and I hope the neighbors can see the lights fairly well. They aren't next door and we can see their houses from below, cause ours is on a tiny hill, so I'm not so sure they can see our house lights too well. 
Anyway, that's all for now. 

-Lilly J. 

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