Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why Do We Need Math?

We don't. 
Okay, I'll admit some math is useful, like multiplication, fractions, adding and subtracting, and dividing. Percentages are useful and so is geometry. But most of the crap we learn in math isn't relevant to real life and honestly is just a big waste of time. 
When do we ever need exponents? Seriously. I don't find a purpose. 
Knowing angles and how to find area is probably useful in real life. Being able to make change and find percentages and stuff is very useful, but some of the math they teach now days is just B.S. 
Even you math-loving nerds or mathematicians have to admit that a lot of math isn't useful, but we're forced to learn it anyway. 
Being a scientist or nurse or doctor requires more math skills, but you can just take an advanced math class in college by will and not by force. If you don't need these math skills, I think you should have a choice whether or not you want to learn it. 
Basic math skills are important; don't get me wrong. But calculus and most of algebra isn't useful. If someone can do that kind of math, then good for them! They're pretty damn smart! However, that doesn't mean they'll be successful in the REAL WORLD when they get out of school and stuff. 
I doubt anyone agrees with me, but all I'm trying to say is basic math is useful, but advanced math should only be taught to people who know they'll need it for their future careers. 

-Lilly J. 

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