Saturday, December 8, 2012


Hi. I recently found out that my family is going to Disneyland. I've never been there before. I guess I'm kind of excited to go, although I might be too old- or too young- to appreciate it. I mean, I know they put a lot of work and effort into it, and I do appreciate that, but I'm not so sure I'll enjoy the whole experience. I will be glad to be able to afterwards say that I have indeed been to Disneyland, which I guess is sort of an accomplishment.
Anyway, I appreciate their hard work, but honestly, I'm not so sure all the rides and stuff sound too... promising.
I'm going on Monday- by force- and there's no getting out. I'll hope for the best and hope I don't die on any rides. I will try to make the most out of this long, expensive trip.
Someone who annoys me is coming too and someone I like isn't going, for good reasons, but it still kind of sucks.
Anyway, I hope I have fun and won't say it's crappy until I've been there. And hopefully it won't be crappy.
Wish me luck!

-Lilly J. 

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