Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bad Things That Happened This Year

I'm not trying to be negative, but so many international disasters and other problems occurred this year. The Super Storm Sandy was one horrible event. I'm truly sorry to those who lost lives and homes. The shooting in Connecticut was so horrible and devastating, but I sincerely pray for all the children who lost their lives, and I wish the best to their families. Another horrible thing that happened was the attack on Benghazi. The ambassador in Libya asked for the support of our government and our President and the State Department said no. The ambassador was killed, and it was the U.S.'s fault. No offense, but Obama being reelected was also a bad thing, but only in my opinion. He supports the Syrian rebels and has done other things.
In May, there was a drought in West Africa. There was also disastrous earthquakes in the Middle East. 11,306 people died in Iran.
Lots of people did idiotic things because they're scared the world will end on the 21st of December. That's not a major problem, but it was annoying and might have been the reason that idiot shot people at Sandy Hook.
I hope 2013 is better with more happy moments to talk about and less natural and international disasters. And I'm sorry if this is scaring anyone, not that it would, but maybe.

-Lilly J.

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