Saturday, December 22, 2012

Smoking Sucks

Smoking sucks ass so much. I hate it. I hate seeing people smoking, especially around kids/old people. It's worse if it's kids and old people smoking themselves. I don't care if they're f***ing addicted. It's gross, unhealthy and just disgusting all the way around. There's no benefit. 
Just yesterday, I saw people smoking. Even when I was at Disneyland, people smoked, and that is NOT acceptable!!! Of course, they were only at designated areas, but those areas shouldn't even exist in a kids' amusement park. What the HELL were those Disney people thinking when they made the park and allowed people to smoke?! It's not like people HAVE to smoke! There should be more and more places that prohibit smoking. Stores, parks, AMUSEMENT PARKS... Ect... 
I don't give a shit if you smoke, and are terrible offended. You shouldn't be, because you really shouldn't be smoking. You could be smoking this very second. If you are, I'd appreciate if you just put that nasty thing down. 
In fact, all the people I know who smoke have said they are aware that it's disgusting and unhealthy, but they also admitted they were pressured into it by friends. DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE PRESSURED. 
I know I can't stop you, but I CAN convince you to stop smoking, or at least smoke less and NOT smoke around babies. It's really not asking for much. 

-Lilly J. 

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