Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21

It is the 21st of December, 2012. And are we all dead? NO. Can you people admit you're wrong? Maybe now you'll realize how irrational it is to believe the Mayans. I think they just got wiped out before they could finish, or maybe those calendars don't correlate to our calendar or this year. Maybe the Apocalypse will come in the year 2013 or later.Or never. 
Maybe scientists will make new theories to what the Mayans were really trying to say. They'll probably ALSO make up excuses as to why they rightfully assumed the world was going to end. We'll probably never know what those Mayans were thinking or doing with those calendars, but I don't think they have anything to do with the year 2012. 
Somebody probably tried to translate their calendars and found they are equivalent to the 21st of December, 2012, but whoever did that probably miscalculated. We're still here, aren't we? I'm typing and YOU are much alive, reading this. The world is still here. 
Maybe someone made up the apocalypse crap to scare everyone, or to pretend they knew how the world was going to end. Maybe someone was just trying to stir up trouble, or perhaps see just how gullible we humans can truly be. 
Sorry if I offended anyone, but now maybe you can realize that you can't believe everything and that the Mayans were not predicting the end of the world. Then again, maybe the Mayans WERE wrong. Maybe they predicted the end of the world, but they were wrong. But on the other hand, I doubt that if someone was trying to prove the end of the world, they'd go through all the work to make hundreds or thousands of calendars. I think if the world was going to end, I'd honestly just write out that it was going to end, and when. 
If the world was going to end and you knew it, would you REALLY write out thousands of calendars for idiots of the future to find and interpret however they want? I didn't think so. 
So, in conclusion, the world is still here, and you are still here, and I am still here to laugh at you for being WRONG! Now you gullible fools can finally admit it. 
If you were truly scared to death, thinking your life was going to end, then I suppose I feel sorry for you and I want to say that everything is okay. Of course by now, you've realized that and you probably feel like a moron. 
My apology to those who find this offensive, cause I'm not trying to be. I'm just saying you who believed those vague, VERY vague Mayan calendars were wrong and kind of gullible. I won't say stupid, but you have to admit you were gullible. 

-Lilly J. 

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