Friday, December 7, 2012


I love music. If there is a universal language, then music is probably it. I mean this metaphorically, but in a literal sense, if you sing something about how you feel on the radio, you will connect with the world, which is actually pretty neat. 
Music is fun and has helped me a lot. I don't want to go into personal details, but you just need to know that it's special to me. I also like to express my feelings by writing songs, even though I know only I'll see them. 
Song writing is fun, especially when the person you wrote it for doesn't know it's for them. 
I like playing musical instruments. Piano practice is actually kind of boring, but I guess piano is convenient to know. It's kind of like, if you know Spanish, other languages are easier. If you know how to play piano and learn the scales and chords, other instruments come easier. It's also a good way to learn to write/read music. But all these reasons don't make me like piano practice anymore. It's still boring. 
The tuba is a funny instrument. It has a funny name and shape and sound. Trumpets are kind of pretty sometimes. I like electric guitar and drums and stuff. I guess the piano is kind of pretty too. 
Music is fun to make and listen to. There are some songs out there that I absolutely freaking hate, but some are really nice. 
I know some people like country and some don't, and some like rock and some like R&B and some like rap. But I don't think the genre matters, if it's good music. 

-Lilly J. :) 

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