Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!! Almost

It's New Year's Eve. 2013 is mere hours away!!! People are going to be doing a lot of things before midnight; writing resolutions, getting drunk, and eating as much junk food as they can before they have to follow their "lose ten pounds" resolution. 
I think all the 2000's have been good, but 2008, 2009, and 2010 were really good in my opinion. I guess 2011 and 2012 have been okay, although people have been freaking out all year about the Apocalypse. Well, now it's 2013 and all those morons can just shut up. 
I'm hoping 2013 is good. I hope the economy gets better and I hope there are new TV shows that don't suck ass like the ones on TV now. I mean, there have been a LOT of shitty TV shows this year. I didn't watch any of them. 
I hope there aren't many natural disasters or school shootings and I hope there are no bombing or terrorist attacks. I hope the government gets its act together and I hope China and Taiwan settle their long-lived dispute over nothing, although that probably won't happen in 2013 or even 2014, but I hope it happens someday. 
I also hope gas prices go down. I hope no one does anything too stupid or dangerous or anything. I hope more smart people are born this year to make our future much more bearable. 
I have personal goals for myself, but I'm probably not going to share them. But anyway, I hope the government shapes up, the countries at war leave their enemies and/or us alone, and that no really bad things happen. Happy New Year!!! 

- Lilly J. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Politicians- Republican and Democratic- are ass****s. Most of them know it. I'm mostly talking about our recent U.S. Presidents, such as Nixon, Bush and Obama. 
Just so you know, I'm not on either side of the Republicans, nor the Democrats. I'm just telling the facts here. 
Nixon was a lying son-of-a-bitch. He was a crook and went down in history as one of our worst presidents. Bush (the second) was horrible too. He was in office during 9/11 and he let it happen. He should have gotten off his ass, stopped reading his book to little children, and taken action. I agree there wasn't much he could do, but the fact he didn't try is the real disappointment. 
Obama has done some bad things and made some bad decisions. He wouldn't open the oil pipelines to Canada and now I think China has it. Because he is our current president, I can't say much about him without offending the f***ing world, but all I'll say is I'm not 100% sure he's Christian and I'm not 100% sure he's American. He also is trying to take away our weapons and he spent his whole first term trying to find ways of getting elected again. Hopefully we'll survive the next four years. We survived Nixon and Bush II so I think there's a chance. 
Also, Obama let the Ambassador of Libya die when they needed aid, and he also supports the Syrian rebels. He took credit for killing Bin Laden, but he wouldn't have taken the blame if Bin Laden had gotten away. Of course, every politician now days would do the same, which is kind of the point here. Our last few presidents have been idiots. 
I know this is not what our Founding Fathers wanted America to be like. George Washington didn't even want to be King because he believed in equality and he didn't want too much power. Look at us now! All our governors and presidents and senators are mad with power. The government wants to control all the citizens' lives, and that's what Washington and Jefferson were trying to avoid when they came up with the system. It's really a shame, what we've become. 

Sad Songs

Are there ever songs that just make you cry when you hear them? Maybe I'm just emotional, but a lot of songs make me cry when I listen to them. Below of some of the songs that are sad to me, either because of the lyrics, or the tunes. Even some with happy lyrics make me cry when the melodies are so sad. It's mostly songs about unrequited love that make me cry. Here are some- but not all- the songs that I find really sad. 

  • (They Long To Be) Close To You  
  • Grow Up - Taylor Swift 
  • What Could Have Been Love - Aerosmith 
  • The Cat Carol 
  • Things I'll Never Say - Avril Lavigne 
  • The One That Got Away - Katy Perry 
  • When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars 
  • More Than a Memory - Carly Rae Jepsen 

Friday, December 28, 2012

Why I Hate Family Guy

Before I begin, I want to say that I respect the opinion and choice of Family Guy fans and viewers, but that I do NOT agree with them. Family Guy is successful and popular, and it has a lot of supporters. I know some people will say, "if you hate it, don't watch it!" To those who say that, I want you to know I don't watch it and I never will. I also want you to know that I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I'm only doing this in hopes of finding some people who hate it as well. To those who are nastily thinking, "if you hate it, don't watch it!", here's what I have to say to you: "If you like Family Guy, then don't read this." ;) 

Here's one reason I hate the show. It's disgusting with no good humor or jokes. I don't blame them for having a show about a messed-up family. Not even the Simpsons were the first of those. Although I find it a pathetic and unoriginal plot, there are TV shows about families all the time on TV and I think the Simpsons were just the inspiration for those shows. So I'll admit Family Guy did not steal that idea. And even if they did, they can't really be blamed. Shows about families are popular these days. I don't think that any of them could top the Simpsons, though. Especially not Family Guy. 
My biggest problem with Family Guy is really the characters. They're all ugly. Even people who like the characters have admit that the characters aren't attractive. The boys are all fat and the girls look the same. If they have two girls in the family, couldn't at least one of them have long, pretty hair, or wear a dress or something? It's really a waste I think. I almost feel the creator purposely made them ugly, to be funny for something stupid like that. 
The characters look and act the same and they're all reused. They're emotionless and forgettable, except for the characters who are so obnoxious you can't forget them, like Lois. She's a bitch. She has an annoying voice and ugly hair. 
I know people try to compare the Griffins to the Simpsons, but Homer and Peter are the only ones with any similarities, and they aren't big ones. If Family Guy is trying to be like the Simpsons, it's been disguised well with bad humor, crappy drawings, recycled characters and jokes, and vulgarity. 
I respect the voice actors and the work they put into this. They probably enjoy the show and the characters they voice, and I'm glad for that. I just think that the creator who voices some of the characters can't make a lot of original voices for different characters and he's a pretty crappy voice actor. Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park, are much better at voice acting. 
I know South Park has crappy art and crude humor, but it's good humor and the show is known for being vulgar and of poor-quality. Because Family Guy is on the same Network as the Simpsons, I'd expect better quality and less crudeness from them. But because it looks like a good quality show and isn't, it's more disappointing and irritating. 
In conclusion, the plot isn't original (although I can't really use that against Family Guy), the characters are ugly, and the art is poor in quality. The show annoys me to Hell and the obnoxious commercials would definitely turn me off the show if I wasn't already turned off. If they're using their best jokes for the commercials, then the show is worse than I thought. 
I appreciate the work that the creator, writers, and voice actors put into it and I'm glad the show found success, but in my opinion, the show is disgusting, crude, poorly-drawn, and above all, annoying. 

-Lilly J. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Internet

The Internet is amazing. It allows us to do things we couldn't before. You can email people and share things. You can play games or just read an article. You can buy stuff online. You can do all your homework research online and not have to waste your time at libraries. 
There is a downside though. The Internet can be really dangerous. People can hack into your accounts, or you could get a computer virus. Chat rooms are also dangerous. 
I like the Internet a lot. It makes schoolwork easy and it's a good place to turn to when you're really really bored. It's useful for work and school, but you can also use it for fun. I don't think there's much you can't do on the Internet. I also think it's kind of taking over the world, so to speak. Facebook is definitely trying to take over the Web, which I don't like, especially since I don't have a Facebook account and probably never will. The only reason I would ever get one is if I was forced to have one to access certain websites. That hasn't happened yet, but I think it might in the future. Hopefully I'm not giving Facebook any ideas. 
Don't get me wrong- Facebook is very nice. I just think it's kind of trying to dominate the Internet. The man who invented it had a good reason, and it paid off for him, because now he's rich, and I respect all of that. But I've just never been too enthusiastic about getting a Facebook page, and by that I mean I do not like Facebook, its purpose, or its format/style. I'm glad a lot of Internet-obsessed people have made good use out of it, though. 
In conclusion, the Internet is wonderful, convenient, dangerous, and dominating the world. 

-Lilly J. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve! The day before Christmas! 
At our house, we usually read "The Night Before Christmas" in the living room and then we all open one present. It's fun. I'm sure you have your own Christmas traditions. 
"The Night Before Christmas" is a nice story. I suppose it gets boring after a while, but it's just a tradition to read it every year. Here's a link to the story in case any of you don't have the book, or you just misplaced it.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Unbiased Facts About Smoking

by Lilly J. 

  • Smoking 
    is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, and accounts for approximately 443,000 deaths, or 1 of every 5 deaths, in the U.S. each year. 
  •  Smoking can increase the chances of heart disease, lung disease, lung cancer, and even death. 
  • The blood vessels constrict, or tighten, so that blood pressure goes up 5 to 10 points. This puts more pressure and strain on the heart. 
  • The smoker's heart also speeds up from 10 to 20 beats per minute. 
  • It is estimated that every cigarette someone smokes takes 12 minutes off their life. 
  • Those who choose to smoke jeopardize their friends' and family's health as well as their own. U.S. infants and children under 18 months of age suffer 150,000 to 300,000 respiratory tract infections every year, leading to 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations. 
  • 3,000 nonsmoking adults die of diseases caused by exposure to secondhand smoke every year. 
  • Secondhand smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds including carbon monoxide, ammonia, and formaldehyde. 
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. National Toxicology Program, the U.S. Surgeon General, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have all classified secondhand smoke as a known human carcinogen (a cancer-causing agent). 
  • An estimated 45.3 million people, or 19.3% of all adults- aged 18 years or older- in the United States smoke. 
  • Even if you want to get help, it can be more expensive than the cigarettes themselves. Medication for cancer costs more than many other medications. 
  • According to Patrick C. Gallagher, "if the price of cigarettes is relatively small to the cost of living, then people are more likely to smoke, but if prices are high enough (greater taxes), then smoking would not be worthwhile." 


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Food

I've never tried fruitcake. Never. I know, it's sad. I don't know if I'd like it or not. It's probably a traditional holiday treat, but I've never had it.
I know eggnog is also a holiday tradition, but I hate it. It smells bad and tastes bad, in my opinion only.
I like Christmas cookies and snicker-doodles.
We're having turkey and stuffing and potatoes and stuff for Christmas dinner. We already had turkey twice this year, once on Thanksgiving. I'm kind of sick of turkey. I wish we'd have ham or duck or something interesting. Turkey is boring.

-Lilly J.

Gay Rights

Gay Rights 

Gay people have rights, just like us. Some people think they shouldn't be allowed to get married. Why shouldn't they be allowed to? Love is love, no matter how strange or abnormal. 
I'm straight, but I still believe in equal rights for everyone. 
One excuse for not allowing gay marriage is that the definition of marriage associates with a man and a woman. But I think that's bullshit. What about the term, gay marriage? Doesn't that associate with a man and a man? Maybe you can't call it a marriage, but you can call it a gay marriage, which has a different meaning. 
People who are racist, judgmental, biased, prejudice, and unfair are all idiots and they make me sick. 

-Lilly J. 

Smoking Sucks

Smoking sucks ass so much. I hate it. I hate seeing people smoking, especially around kids/old people. It's worse if it's kids and old people smoking themselves. I don't care if they're f***ing addicted. It's gross, unhealthy and just disgusting all the way around. There's no benefit. 
Just yesterday, I saw people smoking. Even when I was at Disneyland, people smoked, and that is NOT acceptable!!! Of course, they were only at designated areas, but those areas shouldn't even exist in a kids' amusement park. What the HELL were those Disney people thinking when they made the park and allowed people to smoke?! It's not like people HAVE to smoke! There should be more and more places that prohibit smoking. Stores, parks, AMUSEMENT PARKS... Ect... 
I don't give a shit if you smoke, and are terrible offended. You shouldn't be, because you really shouldn't be smoking. You could be smoking this very second. If you are, I'd appreciate if you just put that nasty thing down. 
In fact, all the people I know who smoke have said they are aware that it's disgusting and unhealthy, but they also admitted they were pressured into it by friends. DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE PRESSURED. 
I know I can't stop you, but I CAN convince you to stop smoking, or at least smoke less and NOT smoke around babies. It's really not asking for much. 

-Lilly J. 

The 22nd

It's the 22nd of December, 2012, and we're still alive. Already I've heard on the Internet someone saying that "scientists discovered more calendars." That's a load of BS and a lame excuse. Why didn't we find these "calendars" earlier? 
I knew these Goddamn excuses would come. (Pardon my French.) Anyway, it's not the end of the world, we're still here, you idiots just misread the Mayan calendars, and you're being stupid. There is NO excuse as to why you who believed the apocalypse other than you were simply gullible and/or depressed idiots. 
I'm not trying to make fun of you or anything, but you were stupid. And the world not ending is a good thing. There's no reason to fight to believe it will because if you are right, you'll die before anyone can admit you were right. And of course, if you did believe in the apocalypse, you were NOT RIGHT. 
There's no excuse to hide your idiocy and gullibility. You were simply a fool and you should be damn grateful you're still alive, even if you'll forever be embarrassed that you actually believed in the apocalypse. 
I'm hoping some smart, logically-thinking scientists will find more interesting and plausible theories to the apocalypse and Mayan calendar bit. I want people to stop worry about the end of the world, but that doesn't mean I want the subject to be dropped entirely. I actually find it kind of interesting, and I think we can find more reasons as to why people should or shouldn't have believed in it. 
Be grateful you're alive and face the fact you were wrong. SUCK IT UP! But don't worry, millions of gullible idiots believed it too, so you aren't alone. Again, no offensive to you. 

-Lilly J. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21

It is the 21st of December, 2012. And are we all dead? NO. Can you people admit you're wrong? Maybe now you'll realize how irrational it is to believe the Mayans. I think they just got wiped out before they could finish, or maybe those calendars don't correlate to our calendar or this year. Maybe the Apocalypse will come in the year 2013 or later.Or never. 
Maybe scientists will make new theories to what the Mayans were really trying to say. They'll probably ALSO make up excuses as to why they rightfully assumed the world was going to end. We'll probably never know what those Mayans were thinking or doing with those calendars, but I don't think they have anything to do with the year 2012. 
Somebody probably tried to translate their calendars and found they are equivalent to the 21st of December, 2012, but whoever did that probably miscalculated. We're still here, aren't we? I'm typing and YOU are much alive, reading this. The world is still here. 
Maybe someone made up the apocalypse crap to scare everyone, or to pretend they knew how the world was going to end. Maybe someone was just trying to stir up trouble, or perhaps see just how gullible we humans can truly be. 
Sorry if I offended anyone, but now maybe you can realize that you can't believe everything and that the Mayans were not predicting the end of the world. Then again, maybe the Mayans WERE wrong. Maybe they predicted the end of the world, but they were wrong. But on the other hand, I doubt that if someone was trying to prove the end of the world, they'd go through all the work to make hundreds or thousands of calendars. I think if the world was going to end, I'd honestly just write out that it was going to end, and when. 
If the world was going to end and you knew it, would you REALLY write out thousands of calendars for idiots of the future to find and interpret however they want? I didn't think so. 
So, in conclusion, the world is still here, and you are still here, and I am still here to laugh at you for being WRONG! Now you gullible fools can finally admit it. 
If you were truly scared to death, thinking your life was going to end, then I suppose I feel sorry for you and I want to say that everything is okay. Of course by now, you've realized that and you probably feel like a moron. 
My apology to those who find this offensive, cause I'm not trying to be. I'm just saying you who believed those vague, VERY vague Mayan calendars were wrong and kind of gullible. I won't say stupid, but you have to admit you were gullible. 

-Lilly J. 

I Don't Know What To Say

Often I find myself in this difficult position. I feel like writing something worth reading over, but my mind goes completely blank, like now. I mean, it's not totally blank; I'm typing right now, but I mean I don't have a specific and interesting topic. I could talk about school or the weather but that's boring. I really really have no idea what interests you people and sometimes I forget what interests myself, or it's just something I know you wouldn't be interested in.
I don't know what to write, and I know I've said that enough, but just writing that sentence can turn into a bunch of other, more interesting sentences like I'm writing now. I know, I know, it's not very interesting, but it's getting somewhere isn't it?
I doubt anyone would read a blog post titled "I Don't Know What to Say," but I'm hoping you DO read this and you enjoy what I'm writing, although it's boring and weird. I'm boring and weird, but I don't mind because that's just who I am. I accept me for who I am and I accept you too, especially if you think this is boring because it sure as Hell is.
Bad words probably won't make this more interesting, but maybe. All I said was Hell, but hopefully that won't affect the people who read this. I don't find Hell an extremely interesting, mysterious, intriguing, or offensive word.
I still can't think of any good topics to write about, but I just felt in the mood for writing a blog post, whether or not it had a good topic and this one doesn't. I hope some of you enjoy this crappy post and I want you to be aware that this is NOT the best I can do. Better posts are on the way, people.

-Lilly J.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Bad Things That Happened This Year

I'm not trying to be negative, but so many international disasters and other problems occurred this year. The Super Storm Sandy was one horrible event. I'm truly sorry to those who lost lives and homes. The shooting in Connecticut was so horrible and devastating, but I sincerely pray for all the children who lost their lives, and I wish the best to their families. Another horrible thing that happened was the attack on Benghazi. The ambassador in Libya asked for the support of our government and our President and the State Department said no. The ambassador was killed, and it was the U.S.'s fault. No offense, but Obama being reelected was also a bad thing, but only in my opinion. He supports the Syrian rebels and has done other things.
In May, there was a drought in West Africa. There was also disastrous earthquakes in the Middle East. 11,306 people died in Iran.
Lots of people did idiotic things because they're scared the world will end on the 21st of December. That's not a major problem, but it was annoying and might have been the reason that idiot shot people at Sandy Hook.
I hope 2013 is better with more happy moments to talk about and less natural and international disasters. And I'm sorry if this is scaring anyone, not that it would, but maybe.

-Lilly J.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why Do We Need Math?

We don't. 
Okay, I'll admit some math is useful, like multiplication, fractions, adding and subtracting, and dividing. Percentages are useful and so is geometry. But most of the crap we learn in math isn't relevant to real life and honestly is just a big waste of time. 
When do we ever need exponents? Seriously. I don't find a purpose. 
Knowing angles and how to find area is probably useful in real life. Being able to make change and find percentages and stuff is very useful, but some of the math they teach now days is just B.S. 
Even you math-loving nerds or mathematicians have to admit that a lot of math isn't useful, but we're forced to learn it anyway. 
Being a scientist or nurse or doctor requires more math skills, but you can just take an advanced math class in college by will and not by force. If you don't need these math skills, I think you should have a choice whether or not you want to learn it. 
Basic math skills are important; don't get me wrong. But calculus and most of algebra isn't useful. If someone can do that kind of math, then good for them! They're pretty damn smart! However, that doesn't mean they'll be successful in the REAL WORLD when they get out of school and stuff. 
I doubt anyone agrees with me, but all I'm trying to say is basic math is useful, but advanced math should only be taught to people who know they'll need it for their future careers. 

-Lilly J. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Tree

We finally put up our Christmas tree. We actually did it yesterday. We have pretty rainbow lights and red tinsel and stuff. It's pretty.
Our tree is fake. I think fake Christmas trees are better. They're less messy, less smelly, and they are eco-friendly. People who want to cut down a perfectly good tree just to decorate it for a few weeks and then let it die are kind of idiots in my opinion. I think fake Christmas trees are convenient. Plus, you don't have to water them. I suggest you get a fake tree this year.
These are just my opinions. Anyway, Merry Christmas!


The Apocalypse 

The Mayan Calendar ends December 21st, 2012. So what? Maybe they got sick of making calendars! Maybe they all died before they could continue. Who the Hell knows? 
The world is NOT going to end, and I think most of us really just interpreted their calendars wrong. I never believed the world was going to end- I didn't think there was enough proof. 
Now I know when the 22nd comes and we are all still alive, a lot of you will admit you were wrong, irrational, and idiotic. But I know some people are going to be jerks about it and blame the Mayans for being wrong. In case that does happen- which it most likely will- then I want to say that you idiots just misjudged the poor Mayans, and you were being an ass****! I think the 22nd coming is a time to finally make peace and realize that our future is still bright, but most importantly, it means we can FINALLY SHUT THE HELL UP about the 2012 crap!!! 
If we do all die and I'm wrong, at least I won't have to face the music, cause I'll be dead, but if I'm right, then you will have to face the music and face the fact that you were being a moron. 
I'm positive the world will not end, that the Mayans were doing something completely different from what we believe and that they weren't predicting any stupid apocalypse, and that all the people who believe in the end of the world are idiots. 

-Lilly J. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

X-mas Lights

Just a few hours ago, we hung up our lights. Actually, someone in my family did, and I saw it afterwards, so I didn't really get much say. It looks kind of crappy, but I guess I'll judge it tonight when we light the lights. I hope it's pretty. 
We wrapped red lights around our flag pole, and we did it last year so I know it'll be pretty. 
Last year we put lights on the front of our house, but this year we put it on the back and I wish we hadn't, but then again, I didn't help so I shouldn't complain. 
I hope it's pretty and I hope the neighbors can see the lights fairly well. They aren't next door and we can see their houses from below, cause ours is on a tiny hill, so I'm not so sure they can see our house lights too well. 
Anyway, that's all for now. 

-Lilly J. 

Decorating for X-mas

Sometime this weekend, we're going to decorate the house for Christmas! We'll put up our fake, eco-friendly Christmas tree, and we'll string it with lights and beads and pretty ornaments. We're also going to decorate the outside of our house this year.
Last year we had all red lights, and it was pretty lame compared to our neighbors' houses. This year- not in competition, but just for fun- we're going to have multi-colored lights, instead of just boring red ones. It'll be much prettier and show our neighbors that we ARE in fact in the Holiday Spirit! 

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Hi. I recently found out that my family is going to Disneyland. I've never been there before. I guess I'm kind of excited to go, although I might be too old- or too young- to appreciate it. I mean, I know they put a lot of work and effort into it, and I do appreciate that, but I'm not so sure I'll enjoy the whole experience. I will be glad to be able to afterwards say that I have indeed been to Disneyland, which I guess is sort of an accomplishment.
Anyway, I appreciate their hard work, but honestly, I'm not so sure all the rides and stuff sound too... promising.
I'm going on Monday- by force- and there's no getting out. I'll hope for the best and hope I don't die on any rides. I will try to make the most out of this long, expensive trip.
Someone who annoys me is coming too and someone I like isn't going, for good reasons, but it still kind of sucks.
Anyway, I hope I have fun and won't say it's crappy until I've been there. And hopefully it won't be crappy.
Wish me luck!

-Lilly J. 

Catcher in the Rye

I have to write a Goddamn book report on The Catcher in the Rye, which is basically a novel where this seventeen year old whines about his depressing life. At the end, he's in some mental/therapy place, and he says he misses the crappy people he met, even though he didn't appreciate them then. I think he's an idiot. He called everyone a moron, but he was pretty moronic and ungrateful. His life did suck, but he complained too much. He also cursed a lot. 
I'm almost done with my report. Writing book reports is actually easy for me. I just don't like reading all that much. Sometimes it's fun, but Catcher in the Rye was so long and boring. 
If you want to read it, I'm NOT trying to discourage you at all. In fact, there were a lot of good things about the book. It taught a lesson: Don't be an ungrateful bastard. Another lesson is: Look at the bright side, even if your life is crap. 
The main character, Holden Caulfield, reminisced about his friends and acquaintances and the places he'd been and feels regret and depression. It's kind of a depressing book, but it's written well I guess. The characters are interesting, but I wouldn't advise you read it unless you're thirteen or maybe even fifteen because they use the F word and stuff. 
Sorry if I'm ruining the book for anyone. If you want to read it, then by God, don't let me stop you. I'm not trying to bad mouth it, although I personally thought it was stupid, and I'm not trying to ruin the plot for anyone. Also, if you've already read it and you liked it, feel free to call me a moronic ass who doesn't know good literature when she sees it. 
Although I didn't like it all that well, it was still okay and because it's a classic or something, you should read it just so you know the story line. Not that it'll ever help you in life, but it's still good to read. 
Anyway, the book report is almost done and the book wasn't all that bad, so you should try to read the book. 

Lilly J. 

Friday, December 7, 2012


I love music. If there is a universal language, then music is probably it. I mean this metaphorically, but in a literal sense, if you sing something about how you feel on the radio, you will connect with the world, which is actually pretty neat. 
Music is fun and has helped me a lot. I don't want to go into personal details, but you just need to know that it's special to me. I also like to express my feelings by writing songs, even though I know only I'll see them. 
Song writing is fun, especially when the person you wrote it for doesn't know it's for them. 
I like playing musical instruments. Piano practice is actually kind of boring, but I guess piano is convenient to know. It's kind of like, if you know Spanish, other languages are easier. If you know how to play piano and learn the scales and chords, other instruments come easier. It's also a good way to learn to write/read music. But all these reasons don't make me like piano practice anymore. It's still boring. 
The tuba is a funny instrument. It has a funny name and shape and sound. Trumpets are kind of pretty sometimes. I like electric guitar and drums and stuff. I guess the piano is kind of pretty too. 
Music is fun to make and listen to. There are some songs out there that I absolutely freaking hate, but some are really nice. 
I know some people like country and some don't, and some like rock and some like R&B and some like rap. But I don't think the genre matters, if it's good music. 

-Lilly J. :) 

No on Tobacco


by Lilly J. D. 

Many Americans (and non-Americans) smoke every day. It's a nasty, unhealthy, disgusting, and gross habit. 
Smoking causes lung cancer, heart cancer, and other cancers. It is NOT HEALTHY. 
For those who don't care about their insides, well, smoking is also bad on the teeth, not to mention it makes your breath, hair, and clothes stink. 
Smoking limits the amount of public places you can go. It's a waste of money, and the tax is being raised. From a political point of view, you all know that the greedy government doesn't deserve your money, so why give it to them by buying cigarettes? 
I know smokers make the excuse of being "addicted" and not being able to quit, but honestly, they shouldn't've put that Godforsaken thing to their mouth in the first place. 
There are, of course, places where addicted people can get help, but no matter how good the treatment is, you won't be able to quit if you don't dedicate yourself. Even if you don't think it affects you, or you don't care, it affects millions around you. 
I'm not trying to preach here. I HAVE NEVER SMOKED and I never will. But I grew up around someone who did. They quit, and I know other people can too. You just have to dedicate yourself, for yourself and others. 
Like I said, I'm not lecturing. I just want everyone to be aware that- 1) smoking and secondhand smoke is an international issue we need to fix, 2) smoking is disgusting, and 3) there IS a way to get help. 

Thank you for reading, and I hope I've changed some people's smoke-filled lives with this. 
I doubt you can take me seriously, but I am serious and smoking is NOT COOL. 

-Lilly J. :) 

Why I Hate Eggnog

And what I dislike about it 

1. I think it's made of raw egg. So what it's been pasteurized? It's still gross. 

2. It smells funny. 

3. It tastes funny (to me). 

4. People expect you to drink it out of Holiday Spirit. But I don't have to like it or drink it. 

If you like eggnog, then don't take this offensively. I think it's a great thing to have around the holidays. I just don't like the taste. 


I am bored. I don't know what to write and I know I must be boring the world with my posts. What would make my stupid posts more interesting? I'd like some feedback or something. 

-Lilly J. 



I love Christmas. It's merry and cheerful and you get presents. Decorating the tree is fun, too. I also like singing Christmas carols. My friends and I can't sing for crap, but it's still fun. 
Christmas is coming soon. 18 days away! 
Here are some things that I like about Christmas: 
Candy, presents, Santa, family, Christmas songs, Christmas trees, dinner, Christmas Eve, The Night Before Christmas poem, Christmas specials, friends, love, giving and getting, Christmas movies, snow and snowmen, Winter, penguins, reindeer, snickerdoodles, Christmas cookies, bells, holly, merriness, Christmas stories, red green and gold, angels, and of course, Jesus Christ. 
Here are some things that I dislike about Christmas: 
Crappy Christmas commercials, corny Christmas plays, eggnog, peppermint candy, religious freaks, and turkey. 

I know it's not till 18 days, but Merry Christmas to everyone! 

-Lilly J. 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not an Apology

I'm pretty sure by now that none of you people are taking me seriously. But I mean what I say and I say what I mean, and I say it in the best, most honest and true-to-self way. 
I probably look like a jerk, but I mean well. This is not an apology for my ways. I'm just telling you that I'm an honest person just trying to voice their stupid opinion. 
I'm sure you all think I'm an insane bitch with no direction. But I know I have some purpose in life. I just don't know what it is. 
I hope you all like me in spite of my foul-mouth and open opinions. I like blogging or whatever it's called and I hope you like reading my dumbass posts. 

Thanks for listening, people. :) 

Lilly J. 

Things to Complain About

WARNING: Im going to use some bad language and share some political views. Don't hate me. This is a free country. Also, if you aren't prepared to be offended, then just STOP here. 

I'm not sure if I'm a Republican or a Independent. Both Democrats and Republicans have F***ed up our country pretty badly. That's one thing I have to complain about. Some of our presidents have been dingbats. Some tried, some didn't. Some failed and some did great things. Some were assholes and some were a lot lot worse. Some didn't do shit and some made the economy grow. Yes, our presidents all did something significant, even if all they did was be insignificant. At least they got their names known. 
Politics are important, but they get everyone so pissed off. I'm probably offending half the world with this. I hope the economy gets better, cause right now it stinks. I hope we get more jobs and workers and less taxes. I actually don't work yet- cause I'm a kid, but I know when I do, it'll be a big freaking mess. 

Now, I'll stop talking about stupid politics and talk about another offensive subject. 
I am straight, but I still support gayness/homosexuality. They can't help it. Gay men are nice and happy and they just want their rights. Maybe it's a little weird to a straight person, but I think homophobia suck ass. It's certainly something I want to complain about. I'm not afraid of gays, nor do I hate them. If you're a homophobe, then I want to say, I don't support you, but I also see that you have the right to speak your mind just like the gays have the right to be gay. Think about it. 

Another thing to complain about is my family. Sure I love them, but they are insane. My mom is weird and obnoxious. She yells and screams and has a pitchy high voice. My dad is a lazy bum and my brothers are weird weird weird. 

There's a lot more I'd like to complain about, but we all know I really shouldn't, for my sake and yours. I'm done offending people for now. 

I hope you see that my heart is in the right place, even if my mind is just a teensy bit f***ed up. 

Thanks for listening to my rants. Comment if you like, but I'll probably ignore them unless they're nice comments. 

Lilly J. 

My Day

Hello, people!

I haven't written in a while. I don't know why not.
Today has been very uneventful. All I've done is sit on my ass and watch TV and crap like that. Pardon my French, please.
Cursing is fun. It's shameful to admit, but it's true. I like swearing, but I'm not going to here because little kids might be reading this. Believe it or not, I actually care about little kids.
BTW, I'm not a little kid. I'm old enough to know a lot of bad words.

Today, my stupid neighbor put bottles and trash on our road. Right down the freaking middle. He was trying to put yellow lines or lights or something to divide the road in half, and used the bottles to mark off where he was going to put it or something. He's a jerk. He'll probably take the bottles away tomorrow.
He probably thought he was doing my neighbors a big huge favor, but he was being a weirdo. Nothing gives him the right to do that. It's all of our street, not just his.
We live on a private road, so it's not like he's going to be caught, which is really a shame.
That's about the most exciting thing that happened today. We went to town to get a coffee maker for a Christmas gift for someone, but that's all.

I know this must be boring as Hell, so I'm going to shut up and let you enjoy the rest of your day. :)

-Lilly J. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012



Wow. I haven't written for months. I know my blogs are probably really really boring. My life is boring. 
I recently found out that my best friend loves musicals, but he still won't admit it to anyone. He's so weird. XD
I hate enchiladas with a deep, strong, fiery hatred. It's disgusting. No offense to people who like enchiladas, but seriously. How can you eat that stuff? 
I have math every week, but the teachers are so horrible. I'm not going to use names here. They're just so incompetent and useless. 
Bye! ;) 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year! Actually, it was yesterday, but whatever.

Hi. We had Chinese food for dinner. We also cleaned the house. I also got money. We have oranges, but we didn't eat any. I don't know why not.

That was my uneventful but kind of fun Chinese New Year day. It was also raining, so we didn't get to go anywhere.


Lilly J.