Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why I Hate Twilight

Here are some reasons I hate the Twilight Saga. But first I want to say, I understand if some people like it, but I just don't agree with them. I respect their opinion, and I hope you respect mine. I'm pretty sure you won't, but whatever. 
Anyway, in no particular order, here are my reasons: 

The movie had cheesy effects. I didn't like the actors either, but that's not really the main problem. 

Bella Swan was a whiny, ungrateful, S&M, brainless, anti-feminist bitch. Sorry to all her stupid fans, but she's a terrible main character for any book. And what's worse is people are actually using her as a role model. She was incompetent and only waited to be saved by her abusive, vampire boyfriend and her loyal best friend whom she dissed and snubbed. She was ungrateful and pathetic. 

Bella's name means "beautiful swan." Well, she was described as "plain" and "clumsy." That name makes perfect sense, doesn't it? (Sarcasm intended.) 

Edward was abusive and only liked Bella because he thought she smelled good. He locked her in his Goddamn house and broke up with her. Then she went catatonic even though she hardly knew him. Then he wanted to commit suicide. They got back together and had a frickin' vampire-human-retard-baby. Yes, Stephenie Meyer! That's true love! (Again, sarcasm intended.) 

Stephenie Meyer is selfish and ignorant. She doesn't appreciate her fans and made them pay for autographs. J.K. Rowling started her own charity organization. Stephenie has not donated any of her money from her books to any charity. Stephenie has no idea was true love is. She even claimed she'd leave her husband if Edward came to her house. How horrid to say! 

Because of this book, every fan dreams of their "Edward." Well, they should stop dreaming, because 1) Edward is a Goddamn character and will never come. Get over it. And 2) He is NOT the perfect husband. He was described as handsome, but that was only in Bella's point of view. That was also the only reason she liked him. Other than that, he had no admirable traits. If the fangirls out there actually thought about it, would she want a sparkly, bloodsucking monster to kidnap her, lock her in his house, abuse her mentally and physically, and then impregnate her with a baby that would kill her during birth? Well, because of the immense stupidity of Twilighters, the answer would be yes, but an intelligent person would answer NO! 

There are many plot-holes in Twilight. Too many to name. I'm not being lazy here; there truly are way too many to name! First of all, vampires were stated to not be able to have babies. Well, then how the Hell did Bella get impregnated? Did the author have any f***ing clue what she was doing when she wrote Twilight?! I don't think she did. 

The fans of Twilight are morons. Sure, maybe there are some normal people who like Twilight. I just meant generally, from what I've seen, those who like Twilight have no other occupations, dreams, goals, or self-respect. They waste their fricking lives on this Twilight crap. They decorate their entire rooms- maybe houses- with posters and crap. Well, when they finally get the brains to stop obsessing over Twilight, they'll have to take all that crap down. That'll be a bitch. 

The Twilighters are willing to wait in line for the movie DAYS before its playing. What retards. Sorry, but why would you wait DAYS. That doesn't make you a die-hard fan. That makes you a time-wasting moron. 

Maybe the actors are nice, but because of that movie, I will probably dislike them. Yes, that's my fault. But I can't help it. Luckily, I wasn't a fan of any of the actors before they were in Twilight. The idiot fans of the Twilight series obsess over these actors, stalking them and assaulting them JUST because they were in this stupid movie! That is ridiculous. 

There are mostly two groups of Twilight die-hards. First group: Obnoxious, typical middle school girls who are probably nice, but are too ignorant to see how poorly written the books are and don't notice all the technical and plot mistakes. They are pathetic, girly, obnoxious, brainless, and obsessive, but will most likely get over it. They only like Bella because she's a girl and is played by Kristen Stewart, who is pretty. If they really thought, they'd realize Bella is unlikable, but they don't think. They just know that the book is a love story about a supposedly (but far from) perfect girl and a supposedly (but far from) perfect boy who fall in love. These people are annoying and stupid, but they haven't completely wasted their time yet and they are harmless. Well, actually, some might have wasted their time buying posters and memorabilia, but that's not harmful, just stupid. 

Now, the second group is much worse. There are people who are not only so ignorant that they think the story has a well-thought out plot and enjoyable characters, but they will kill- LITERALLY KILL- anybody who hates the Twilight series. You probably don't believe me, but it's true. Look it up. 
These kind of people are harmful. 

How can such a crappy book be so influential? Even with all the idiots in the world, I thought we were better than that. Again, this is my opinion, although because of the abusive, screwed up characters and holes in the plot, as well as the selfishness and ignorance of the author and fans of the book, I don't believe ANYONE should like Twilight. To think people OBSESS over it, and waste their time watching the movies over and over, buying posters, and killing people who disagree, it makes me wonder what this world has come to. 

If obsessing over this shit makes you happy, then go ahead and do it. Everyone should be happy. That doesn't puzzle me, that people do what makes them happy. But what DOES puzzle me is why anyone would obsess over a stupid book like Twilight. 

I know some Twilighter is probably seething in rage at their computer as they read this, ready to say something dumb like, "OMG, Twilight is the best book ever! if u don't think so, ur an idiot!" or worse, "I'm going to find that Lilly J. bitch and KILL HER!!!" Well, screw you. This is my opinion and if you can't take it, then all that's going to do is make me think you're an ass****. 

Again, I respect everyone's personal opinion, even if ignorant, brainless Twilighters can't respect mine. Some of you smart-asses might be smugly asking me why I said you're wasting your time by buying posters and watching movies of something you like if I'm wasting my time complaining about it on the Internet. Well, here's my answer. I will not regret this later like the Twilighters will regret their brainless obsessions. I mean everything I wrote. I truly think Twilight is a bad influence with no plot, crappy horrible characters who should never be role models, and it's a disgrace to all authors, vampires, literature, and people like me who are expected to read and appreciate that crap. I will not regret saying so, but you fans of Twilight WILL regret how you foolishly wasted every minute of your youth obsessing over a poorly written teen novel about vampires. Maybe you enjoyed it at the time, so it wasn't a waste, but you could have spent those years doing productive things. 

Before I leave you angry Twilighters to your wasted, obsessed lives, I want to say that I find many people who can write well-written, thorough paragraphs with good grammar about their hate for Twilight. They are all generally polite and respectful of others opinions and are only trying to voice their own. They have good points, often backed up with facts. Those who like Twilight, however, never write about why they like Twilight. We can find millions of reasons of why we dislike it, but the Twilighters can only say crap like, "OMG! i <3 Twilight! i wonder when my Edward will come!" and stupid things like that. They obsess over something that they can't even write a paragraph on why they like it. They don't use good grammar or punctuation, they don't use facts, and they don't have good points. 

Again, sorry if I offended anyone. My hatred for Twilight is very strong. If I hurt anyone's feelings, I'm truly sorry. But you really need to open your eyes. If you admit it's dumb but you can't help liking it, then I'll know you aren't completely stupid like most of the Twilighters. 

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