Thursday, May 2, 2013

Another Post on Smoking

Yes, you people must be tired of hearing me complain about smoking. But it is an issue that is often overlooked. It's dangerous to the smoker and to those around the smoker. Some people don't understand just how dangerous it is, but it is VERY DANGEROUS. 
Evidently, giving statistics didn't stop anyone from smoking, so maybe a story of personal experience will. 
I live with someone who smoked for 40 years!!! They now suffer every day from coughing fits. They get winded just from climbing up a small hill, or walking across a parking lot. They are a real person. I know this will eventually happen to all smokers. This person also got diagnosed recently with COPD. 
It is a known fact that smoking destroys the lungs. It's filthy and disgusting and a horrible habit. I do not blame people for not being able to quit. It must be hard. But I can't believe so many got started on it in the first place. I will never smoke. Never. 
In the 70's and stuff, maybe it's what people did. They did it to fit in or get rid of their troubles. But all it did was ruin their lungs and the lungs of those who had no choice but to second-hand smoke. Smokers are ignorant and inconsiderate in the way that they smoke near others, especially non-smokers and children. 
My point is, it was supposedly "okay" to do back then, but nowdays, so many people like me preach about the known harms of smoking, yet people still do it. Back in the old days, people did it to fit in or be normal. It wasn't looked down upon then. But in these times, smoking is looked down upon. So how the Hell do so many people still do it? The older people I see who do it may just be left over from the time periods where smoking was acceptable, but the young people of our generation- even children in some cases- get started on smoking and I will never understand that. 
Smokers know smoking it bad for them and others. Yes it's addictive, but if people tried, they could quit. 
Every time I see someone smoke, it pisses me off. It literally makes me so f***ing angry!!!! I'm not kidding. Smokers are selfish, stupid for starting it, and inconsiderate to those around them who are forced to breath in that horrible smoke. It destroys the lungs and heart which leads to diseases and eventually death. 
Although to many, smoking is not a big issue, it truly is a big issue. Sure it's not the worst cause of death, and it is non-violent, but every puff of that cigarette is taking a bet on your own life. Maybe one cigarette won't cause cancer or disease, but it's one step closer to the one that will. You might be smoking as you read this, and the puff of smoke you're smoking right now could be the one that gives you a disease or cancer, and that can and most likely WILL result in death. 
And like I said, I knew someone who smoked. They quit and I'm very proud. They have horrible lung problems and admit they wish they had stopped sooner. It's regret they feel. You smokers don't want to have to feel that regret, do you? Then quit smoking!!!! 
That person smoked in front of me as a kid, and now I get sick on the smell of cigarette smoke. I'm not kidding. Smoking is dangerous for the smoker and the non-smokers around the smoker. 
To those who are trying, good for you and keep going. You CAN quit! To those who aren't trying, please do. Do it for yourself and for the ones around you. It's a very small favor to ask, but a successful result would be astronomical. 

-Lilly J. 


  1. I agree. Thank you for not trying to be tactful. Those idiots out there who smoke need to realize how horrible it is and how completely inconsiderate they're being. If they want to ruin their own lives, fine. It's their choice. But forcing other people to second-hand smoke is just plain rude.

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