Monday, May 13, 2013


Yes, another post on Smoking... 

Smoking is soooo stupid! Yes, it's people's right to smoke, but the fact they WANT to smoke in the first place is just annoying and unbelievable. I don't understand why someone would breath in smoke into their lungs. It's obvious smoking kills you sooner so why the Hell would you do it?! 
I know being bitchy about it will not encourage people to quit smoking, but I'm so enraged when I see people smoke!!! Smoking is gross for the people who do it and the people around the smoker. Secondhand smoke is gross and makes me sick whenever I smell it. When I see people smoking around me, I hold my breath until I get away because I refuse to breath in that horrible s***! 
Smoking causes lung disease, cancer, heart trouble. It decreases your lifespan and also makes your breath smell like s***. It makes your clothes and hair stink too, and it doesn't look cool or admirable so people shouldn't still be doing it! 
Yes, it must be hard to quit, but you should at least try!!!! Everyone claims they try, but many people don't try! It pisses the **** out of me!!!! 
So people out there, please please please try to quit, for your own good and for those around you whom you love whom suffer second-hand smoke. People who don't try to quit will just die of lung disease with no one to blame but themselves. 
I wish smoking wasn't allowed in public places. I mean, some parking lots don't allow smoking, but I've been in some that DO let people smoke, and it annoys the s*** out of me! I'm glad people aren't allowed to smoke in stores, but outside of stores is almost as bad. All smoking is bad and I f***ing hate it!!!! 
I think smoking should be illegal. People would still do it, but in secret which means it wouldn't affect other people. Smoking should at least be banned in public, because that's when it not only affects you and your loved ones, but complete strangers. 
I know everyone who smokes isn't bad, but honestly, everyone I know who smokes has some weird problems (mentally), so I don't know what that says for other smokers. One person I know who smokes gets grouchy and irritable when they can't smoke. They also can't hold a job which has nothing to do with smoking itself, but it does make smokers look bad. Another person who smokes whom I know has been on drugs!!!! Again, that's not related to smoking, but shows how bad people who smoke can get in their other problems. All the people I know who DON'T smoke are responsible, kind, and can hold jobs. So doesn't that prove that only idiots really smoke and the smart competent people in life don't? Sorry if you're a smoker. I'm not calling you stupid, but I just want you to know that everyone I know who has smoked or does smoke has problems and that they aren't good examples to people who smoke. 
Again, my bitching won't stop anyone from smoking. Go ahead, smokers. Dig your own grave. End your pathetic lives sooner by breathing in poisonous smoke so eventually, you can get coughing fits and cancer and then regret it. Or you could quit while it's not too late for you and not have to feel sorry for yourselves later in life when you're on your deathbeds. 
I'm not trying to attack any smokers personally. Smokers just in general piss me off, so don't feel offended if you smoke. I don't mean all smokers are idiots. But I do know that all smokers are ruining their Goddamn lives and they should all try to quit for themselves if not anyone else. 

-Lilly J. 

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