Thursday, May 16, 2013

Obama's Conference

Obama was supposed to meet with the Prime Minister of Turkey today. Even though it was at the White House, Obama was somehow late!!! 40 minutes late! Can you believe that? Again, perhaps he was avoiding talking about the IRS issue and the Benghazi issue. Who wouldn't in his shoes? 
I'm not defending Obama. I'm just saying, he IS to blame for these issues. Whether or not he had knowledge of them or whatever other excuses people make, he is the President of the United States! He is responsible for these actions and he should f***ing take responsibility. Him being 40 minutes late just shows how irresponsible he is. He obviously didn't care about those who were waiting and he obviously was trying to avoid answering these questions about Benghazi and the IRS. 
I don't want to get killed for saying all this, so I'm going to shut up. But one last thing I'd like to bitch about is some of the things Obama said. He did NOT apologize, I don't think, about his being 40 minutes late. And he also said he had no knowledge of the IG report until it was leaked. Maybe he didn't know, maybe he did. But that wasn't even the question being asked, and he could have given a more professional answer than "I don't know..." Like I said, he's the President, for crying out loud! THE PRESIDENT! 
If you look at all his answers so far- (the conference isn't over yet) then you'll see that they don't answer any of the questions. I'd expect more than this from the man our country elected. Not that America has had good judgement in Presidents lately (Clinton, Bush, Obama), but Obama is our President and he needs to take responsibility. 

-Lilly J. 

Monday, May 13, 2013


Yes, another post on Smoking... 

Smoking is soooo stupid! Yes, it's people's right to smoke, but the fact they WANT to smoke in the first place is just annoying and unbelievable. I don't understand why someone would breath in smoke into their lungs. It's obvious smoking kills you sooner so why the Hell would you do it?! 
I know being bitchy about it will not encourage people to quit smoking, but I'm so enraged when I see people smoke!!! Smoking is gross for the people who do it and the people around the smoker. Secondhand smoke is gross and makes me sick whenever I smell it. When I see people smoking around me, I hold my breath until I get away because I refuse to breath in that horrible s***! 
Smoking causes lung disease, cancer, heart trouble. It decreases your lifespan and also makes your breath smell like s***. It makes your clothes and hair stink too, and it doesn't look cool or admirable so people shouldn't still be doing it! 
Yes, it must be hard to quit, but you should at least try!!!! Everyone claims they try, but many people don't try! It pisses the **** out of me!!!! 
So people out there, please please please try to quit, for your own good and for those around you whom you love whom suffer second-hand smoke. People who don't try to quit will just die of lung disease with no one to blame but themselves. 
I wish smoking wasn't allowed in public places. I mean, some parking lots don't allow smoking, but I've been in some that DO let people smoke, and it annoys the s*** out of me! I'm glad people aren't allowed to smoke in stores, but outside of stores is almost as bad. All smoking is bad and I f***ing hate it!!!! 
I think smoking should be illegal. People would still do it, but in secret which means it wouldn't affect other people. Smoking should at least be banned in public, because that's when it not only affects you and your loved ones, but complete strangers. 
I know everyone who smokes isn't bad, but honestly, everyone I know who smokes has some weird problems (mentally), so I don't know what that says for other smokers. One person I know who smokes gets grouchy and irritable when they can't smoke. They also can't hold a job which has nothing to do with smoking itself, but it does make smokers look bad. Another person who smokes whom I know has been on drugs!!!! Again, that's not related to smoking, but shows how bad people who smoke can get in their other problems. All the people I know who DON'T smoke are responsible, kind, and can hold jobs. So doesn't that prove that only idiots really smoke and the smart competent people in life don't? Sorry if you're a smoker. I'm not calling you stupid, but I just want you to know that everyone I know who has smoked or does smoke has problems and that they aren't good examples to people who smoke. 
Again, my bitching won't stop anyone from smoking. Go ahead, smokers. Dig your own grave. End your pathetic lives sooner by breathing in poisonous smoke so eventually, you can get coughing fits and cancer and then regret it. Or you could quit while it's not too late for you and not have to feel sorry for yourselves later in life when you're on your deathbeds. 
I'm not trying to attack any smokers personally. Smokers just in general piss me off, so don't feel offended if you smoke. I don't mean all smokers are idiots. But I do know that all smokers are ruining their Goddamn lives and they should all try to quit for themselves if not anyone else. 

-Lilly J. 

SpongeBob and the 7 Deadly Sins

A friend of mine recently told me that he read that SpongeBob- yes, that seemingly innocent children's show- is actually not so innocent, and that in fact, it was confirmed from the creators themselves that the characters are based on the 7 deadly sins. That's just so wrong, and I'm not sure I totally believe it yet.
Mr. Krabs is greed, Plankton is envy probably, Squidward is anger, Patrick is sloth, Gary is gluttony, Sandy is pride, and that leaves SpongeBob with lust which makes absolutely no sense at all!!
I still like SpongeBob, but I definitely think differently of it now. It's kind of creepy. I thought they just made up characters, but to think that the innocent and likable characters on the show are supposed to represent the 7 deadly sins, it just makes my head spin. Again, I don't totally believe it.
I am NOT calling the creators liars, but I think it's more likely they just realized that their characters could represent the 7 deadly sins and decided to say that's what they represented.
I don't think the creators were trying to glorify the sins as it might seem. I think it was just inspiration to create the characters at first, but that's still kind of creepy to me. The sins themselves are creepy and to think a playful and harmless show like SpongeBob based its characters off the sins is just really really creepy to me! Especially because it's a kids' show.
I hope this has been an interesting fact to you people. Also, to support my credibility, the DVD of the first season says that SpongeBob was based on the 7 deadly sins, so this has been confirmed and is NOT a rumor.

-Lilly J. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Justin Bieber is a Jerk

Sorry. Till now I've always tried NOT to personally attack or offend a celebrity or group, but Justin Bieber has just gone too far in his blunders to not mention what a jerk he is. 
I used to think he was nice, even if his music didn't appeal to me. I still think he must have some talent, although he probably uses Auto-Tune. He IS a performer and he's probably what people are looking for, which is why he's successful. He's probably a very nice person, but he's been having a lot of problems recently. I also think his fans are annoying, but that's not his fault, nor is it on the subject. They're just obnoxious, obsessive people who get jealous of anyone he dates, and they're ass****s, but anyway... 

Justin Bieber needs to get his s*** together. After he broke up with Selena Gomez, he's done multiple other screw-ups in public. Like when he was hours late for a concert in London. A lot of those people got angry and are no longer fans, which I'm glad of. 
Sure every celebrity gets caught doing something stupid, but Justin Bieber's biggest f*** up happened quite recently. He went to Amsterdam and decided to visit the Anne Frank House. Anne Frank was one of the most famous victims of the Holocaust. 
Now, it was very nice of Justin to visit the Anne Frank House. He toured the museum and probably learned a lot about what truly happened during the Holocaust. But what he wrote in the guest book was so disrespectful and selfish. He wrote, according to the museum: "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber." 
Someone claimed his did it because he found out she liked pop culture during her time, but that doesn't mean she'd have liked HIS music. He's such a self-centered, ignorant douche. 

Some of his most dedicated fans are probably stupid enough to defend him. They probably make excuses, like, "it's not that big of a deal." Sure, all he did was just write a self-promoting comment in the guest book, but it's more than that. Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust for crying out loud. What he wrote was disrespectful, selfish, and just plain stupid. 
Maybe he did it without thinking. Maybe he now realizes how bad it sounds. Maybe he wishes he hadn't, but he should have thought about it before writing it down. He probably didn't mean it in a bad way, but it was still disrespectful. That's why I think Justin Bieber's a jerk. 
I don't see how even his adoring fans can defend him now. 

-Lilly J. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Another Post on Smoking

Yes, you people must be tired of hearing me complain about smoking. But it is an issue that is often overlooked. It's dangerous to the smoker and to those around the smoker. Some people don't understand just how dangerous it is, but it is VERY DANGEROUS. 
Evidently, giving statistics didn't stop anyone from smoking, so maybe a story of personal experience will. 
I live with someone who smoked for 40 years!!! They now suffer every day from coughing fits. They get winded just from climbing up a small hill, or walking across a parking lot. They are a real person. I know this will eventually happen to all smokers. This person also got diagnosed recently with COPD. 
It is a known fact that smoking destroys the lungs. It's filthy and disgusting and a horrible habit. I do not blame people for not being able to quit. It must be hard. But I can't believe so many got started on it in the first place. I will never smoke. Never. 
In the 70's and stuff, maybe it's what people did. They did it to fit in or get rid of their troubles. But all it did was ruin their lungs and the lungs of those who had no choice but to second-hand smoke. Smokers are ignorant and inconsiderate in the way that they smoke near others, especially non-smokers and children. 
My point is, it was supposedly "okay" to do back then, but nowdays, so many people like me preach about the known harms of smoking, yet people still do it. Back in the old days, people did it to fit in or be normal. It wasn't looked down upon then. But in these times, smoking is looked down upon. So how the Hell do so many people still do it? The older people I see who do it may just be left over from the time periods where smoking was acceptable, but the young people of our generation- even children in some cases- get started on smoking and I will never understand that. 
Smokers know smoking it bad for them and others. Yes it's addictive, but if people tried, they could quit. 
Every time I see someone smoke, it pisses me off. It literally makes me so f***ing angry!!!! I'm not kidding. Smokers are selfish, stupid for starting it, and inconsiderate to those around them who are forced to breath in that horrible smoke. It destroys the lungs and heart which leads to diseases and eventually death. 
Although to many, smoking is not a big issue, it truly is a big issue. Sure it's not the worst cause of death, and it is non-violent, but every puff of that cigarette is taking a bet on your own life. Maybe one cigarette won't cause cancer or disease, but it's one step closer to the one that will. You might be smoking as you read this, and the puff of smoke you're smoking right now could be the one that gives you a disease or cancer, and that can and most likely WILL result in death. 
And like I said, I knew someone who smoked. They quit and I'm very proud. They have horrible lung problems and admit they wish they had stopped sooner. It's regret they feel. You smokers don't want to have to feel that regret, do you? Then quit smoking!!!! 
That person smoked in front of me as a kid, and now I get sick on the smell of cigarette smoke. I'm not kidding. Smoking is dangerous for the smoker and the non-smokers around the smoker. 
To those who are trying, good for you and keep going. You CAN quit! To those who aren't trying, please do. Do it for yourself and for the ones around you. It's a very small favor to ask, but a successful result would be astronomical. 

-Lilly J. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why I Hate Twilight

Here are some reasons I hate the Twilight Saga. But first I want to say, I understand if some people like it, but I just don't agree with them. I respect their opinion, and I hope you respect mine. I'm pretty sure you won't, but whatever. 
Anyway, in no particular order, here are my reasons: 

The movie had cheesy effects. I didn't like the actors either, but that's not really the main problem. 

Bella Swan was a whiny, ungrateful, S&M, brainless, anti-feminist bitch. Sorry to all her stupid fans, but she's a terrible main character for any book. And what's worse is people are actually using her as a role model. She was incompetent and only waited to be saved by her abusive, vampire boyfriend and her loyal best friend whom she dissed and snubbed. She was ungrateful and pathetic. 

Bella's name means "beautiful swan." Well, she was described as "plain" and "clumsy." That name makes perfect sense, doesn't it? (Sarcasm intended.) 

Edward was abusive and only liked Bella because he thought she smelled good. He locked her in his Goddamn house and broke up with her. Then she went catatonic even though she hardly knew him. Then he wanted to commit suicide. They got back together and had a frickin' vampire-human-retard-baby. Yes, Stephenie Meyer! That's true love! (Again, sarcasm intended.) 

Stephenie Meyer is selfish and ignorant. She doesn't appreciate her fans and made them pay for autographs. J.K. Rowling started her own charity organization. Stephenie has not donated any of her money from her books to any charity. Stephenie has no idea was true love is. She even claimed she'd leave her husband if Edward came to her house. How horrid to say! 

Because of this book, every fan dreams of their "Edward." Well, they should stop dreaming, because 1) Edward is a Goddamn character and will never come. Get over it. And 2) He is NOT the perfect husband. He was described as handsome, but that was only in Bella's point of view. That was also the only reason she liked him. Other than that, he had no admirable traits. If the fangirls out there actually thought about it, would she want a sparkly, bloodsucking monster to kidnap her, lock her in his house, abuse her mentally and physically, and then impregnate her with a baby that would kill her during birth? Well, because of the immense stupidity of Twilighters, the answer would be yes, but an intelligent person would answer NO! 

There are many plot-holes in Twilight. Too many to name. I'm not being lazy here; there truly are way too many to name! First of all, vampires were stated to not be able to have babies. Well, then how the Hell did Bella get impregnated? Did the author have any f***ing clue what she was doing when she wrote Twilight?! I don't think she did. 

The fans of Twilight are morons. Sure, maybe there are some normal people who like Twilight. I just meant generally, from what I've seen, those who like Twilight have no other occupations, dreams, goals, or self-respect. They waste their fricking lives on this Twilight crap. They decorate their entire rooms- maybe houses- with posters and crap. Well, when they finally get the brains to stop obsessing over Twilight, they'll have to take all that crap down. That'll be a bitch. 

The Twilighters are willing to wait in line for the movie DAYS before its playing. What retards. Sorry, but why would you wait DAYS. That doesn't make you a die-hard fan. That makes you a time-wasting moron. 

Maybe the actors are nice, but because of that movie, I will probably dislike them. Yes, that's my fault. But I can't help it. Luckily, I wasn't a fan of any of the actors before they were in Twilight. The idiot fans of the Twilight series obsess over these actors, stalking them and assaulting them JUST because they were in this stupid movie! That is ridiculous. 

There are mostly two groups of Twilight die-hards. First group: Obnoxious, typical middle school girls who are probably nice, but are too ignorant to see how poorly written the books are and don't notice all the technical and plot mistakes. They are pathetic, girly, obnoxious, brainless, and obsessive, but will most likely get over it. They only like Bella because she's a girl and is played by Kristen Stewart, who is pretty. If they really thought, they'd realize Bella is unlikable, but they don't think. They just know that the book is a love story about a supposedly (but far from) perfect girl and a supposedly (but far from) perfect boy who fall in love. These people are annoying and stupid, but they haven't completely wasted their time yet and they are harmless. Well, actually, some might have wasted their time buying posters and memorabilia, but that's not harmful, just stupid. 

Now, the second group is much worse. There are people who are not only so ignorant that they think the story has a well-thought out plot and enjoyable characters, but they will kill- LITERALLY KILL- anybody who hates the Twilight series. You probably don't believe me, but it's true. Look it up. 
These kind of people are harmful. 

How can such a crappy book be so influential? Even with all the idiots in the world, I thought we were better than that. Again, this is my opinion, although because of the abusive, screwed up characters and holes in the plot, as well as the selfishness and ignorance of the author and fans of the book, I don't believe ANYONE should like Twilight. To think people OBSESS over it, and waste their time watching the movies over and over, buying posters, and killing people who disagree, it makes me wonder what this world has come to. 

If obsessing over this shit makes you happy, then go ahead and do it. Everyone should be happy. That doesn't puzzle me, that people do what makes them happy. But what DOES puzzle me is why anyone would obsess over a stupid book like Twilight. 

I know some Twilighter is probably seething in rage at their computer as they read this, ready to say something dumb like, "OMG, Twilight is the best book ever! if u don't think so, ur an idiot!" or worse, "I'm going to find that Lilly J. bitch and KILL HER!!!" Well, screw you. This is my opinion and if you can't take it, then all that's going to do is make me think you're an ass****. 

Again, I respect everyone's personal opinion, even if ignorant, brainless Twilighters can't respect mine. Some of you smart-asses might be smugly asking me why I said you're wasting your time by buying posters and watching movies of something you like if I'm wasting my time complaining about it on the Internet. Well, here's my answer. I will not regret this later like the Twilighters will regret their brainless obsessions. I mean everything I wrote. I truly think Twilight is a bad influence with no plot, crappy horrible characters who should never be role models, and it's a disgrace to all authors, vampires, literature, and people like me who are expected to read and appreciate that crap. I will not regret saying so, but you fans of Twilight WILL regret how you foolishly wasted every minute of your youth obsessing over a poorly written teen novel about vampires. Maybe you enjoyed it at the time, so it wasn't a waste, but you could have spent those years doing productive things. 

Before I leave you angry Twilighters to your wasted, obsessed lives, I want to say that I find many people who can write well-written, thorough paragraphs with good grammar about their hate for Twilight. They are all generally polite and respectful of others opinions and are only trying to voice their own. They have good points, often backed up with facts. Those who like Twilight, however, never write about why they like Twilight. We can find millions of reasons of why we dislike it, but the Twilighters can only say crap like, "OMG! i <3 Twilight! i wonder when my Edward will come!" and stupid things like that. They obsess over something that they can't even write a paragraph on why they like it. They don't use good grammar or punctuation, they don't use facts, and they don't have good points. 

Again, sorry if I offended anyone. My hatred for Twilight is very strong. If I hurt anyone's feelings, I'm truly sorry. But you really need to open your eyes. If you admit it's dumb but you can't help liking it, then I'll know you aren't completely stupid like most of the Twilighters.