Friday, August 15, 2014

A Rant

Goddamnit. I'm so pissed off. My friend Ben and I know this person, and she always gets on my nerves. He wrote a post on her. It's the same person I'm pissed at right now. She's so stupid. And she's a spoiled brat. She got everything she wanted as a kid and an adult. She goes on about her "crappy" childhood, saying it justifies her getting whatever she wants now, but it doesn't.
She acts like she's so hardworking, but she's not. All she did was marry and have kids and she thinks she deserves the same respect as someone who got a job, or someone who donates to charity, or someone who's really smart. She's not smart- she's a fucking r-tard. She went to college, but didn't bother to get a job. She got a degree, and she thinks that's enough to make her look smart. She could have gotten a job, but she just leeches off her husband and even her one of her kids. She sits around all day and pretends she's doing stuff when really all she does is sit on her ass and play video games and eat junkfood, which is why she's so fat and stupid. And she always has to get her way because she's a bully. She's never grateful and she's a hypocrite. She's condescending, rude, and a fucking douche. And as Ben mentioned in his post, she wanted to be an author but blames her kids on why she never succeeded. Now that her kids are grownup, she's going back to writing, but she hasn't gotten much further, because she's an uncreative lazy f***.
She's also nosy as Hell. She always pries into other peoples business but when she wants to keep something to herself and people pry her, she gets all defensive and bitchy about it. She's selfish and a big fat bitch. She sucks so hard and she doesn't even see it!!! Even though she always does nasty things to people and in her mind, she won the fight, it's really only proof to me that she is indeed the motherf***ing ass**** I know she is! Even if she's a rotten person and it sucks for the rest of us, it puts things in perspective and makes me glad I'm not like her. But sometimes the satisfaction of being the better person doesn't seem worth it. I'd never stoop to her level, but I wish she had a taste of her own medicine.
In conclusion, she's a bitch and a bully and she's so selfish she'll never see it. Ben said to her that she'll always think she's better than him, and she agreed. She didn't seem to get that he was saying she wasn't better than him. She's so full of herself, and like most assholes in the world, life's been good to her while Ben and I put up with so much shit. I know that sounds self-pitying, but we're trying our best and it's so tempting to just throw it all away and stop trying since no one seems to give a rat's ass.
My life is pretty good, but it's not perfect, and I've been bullied most of my life by this person (the person this post is about) but still try to look at the good things in life. She, on the other hand, is never grateful for anything, even though she gets everything she wants. She sucks so much, yet she thinks she's perfect. She's also a fat r-tard, like I said before. She's a fat asshole like Eric Cartman from South Park, only worse because she's older than me and actually has authoritah.
Okay, I'm done ranting. I'm pretty sure only a few people will be able to relate to this, but I hope if those people are reading this, they're glad to know there are other people who feel the same way as them.

-Lilly J.

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