Monday, May 26, 2014

Another Post on My Dislike For Lorde

I know everyone has a boner for her so I'm probably going to get a lot of hate, but she annoys the shit out of me. Like I've said, she just criticizes other pop singers and I think she's just jealous. I hate that she calls herself a "feminist" for dissing people JUST because they sing about love. Kind of how like for Disney, people call the classic princesses anti-feminist because they fell in love. They were anti-feminist because they had no goals and just cleaned and cooked and let themselves be exploited. And I don't even know if that was anti-feminist or not since the people who exploited them were ALSO women. But anyway, back on the subject. 
Just because Lorde has no love songs doesn't mean she's "feminist," like she and the fucking world seems to think. Newsflash to half the world: Falling in love doesn't make you anti-feminist!!! I understand why she's against current pop music, because to be honest, some of it's pretty bad, but her music is no better. Plus, the music she's criticizing for being "anti-feminist" isn't anti-feminist. And why is she only criticizing girls for it? She's criticized Taylor Swift for being "too perfect" and setting the standards too high for girls, which isn't Taylor's fault, she criticized Selena Gomez's "Come and Get It" song for being feminist, when it wasn't. It was a love song. But I guess I should give Lorde a break since she's too ignorant to realize love doesn't equal anti-feminism. She dissed Lana Del Ray for being anti-feminist when she isn't either. Oh wait! She sings about love. That must mean she's anti-feminist! (Sarcasm intended.) 
I kind of have to wonder... Has Lorde even heard of Kanye West? His lyrics are sexist as Hell. And I'm pretty sure she's heard "Blurred Lines" plenty of times as we all have (for me it was against my will). Those lyrics weren't exactly putting women in a good light. 
If women are happy just cleaning and cooking, or not getting jobs, or being eye candy, isn't it okay? I want to encourage women to get jobs and not be offensively oversexualized like today's society does, but women being anti-feminist is way better than men doing it. I know that probably sounds unfair. If women can be anti-feminist, why can't men, right? It's more acceptable for women because at least you know they're happy that way. Men being anti-feminist comes off as they don't care about women's feelings or happiness, and that's probably the case. And even if you think it's equally wrong to be anti-feminist for men and women, that actually further proves why these anti-feminist male singers should be getting criticized too. 
This is a little off the subject, but I just want to mention Miley Cyrus's VMA performance. I hate to defend Miley, but why is she the only one getting criticized for grinding on Robin Thicke? He was fine with it. He probably enjoyed it. If she's anti-feminist or gross for doing it, why not him? People want to call the girl anti-feminist for that, but not the guy, which ironically makes them sound sexist. Anyway, back on the subject. 
Lorde is arrogant- she calls herself "Lord(e)" after all- and she's not feminist. She can call herself that- and people will mindlessly believe her and call her smart for it- but she isn't feminist. She's a loudmouthed arrogant hypocrite. 
I know this post is really long and shit. I'm almost done. I just want to mention Lorde's win of the Billboard Music Awards. She got Top Rock Song. She's not rock. I already hated her way before the awards. But when I watched it and found out she was even in the rock category, it just pissed me off even more. Even if I liked her, she is NOT rock. Rock now days is so mainstream-y and pop-influenced, (which also annoys me) but even that kind of rock is more rock than Lorde. She's NOT ROCK. Whoever chose the categories was retarded. She's not rock, and neither was half the shit in the rock category. It was so insulting she WON, because she's not rock!!! I love rock music, even the mainstream pop-rock of today. I know Lorde is NOT ROCK. I know it's stupid to bitch about, and I'll admit this complaint is just a personal one. But it still pisses me off and I find it worth mentioning. The least it can do it point out the stupidity of the people who put the people in the categories at the Billboard Music Awards. 
I'll say it one more fucking time. LORDE... IS... NOT... ROCK!!!!!!!!! Avril Lavigne, The Pretty Reckless, Evanescence, Bon Jovi, and Blink 182 are true rock. Not indie-pop shit like Lorde's music. (Even if I liked Lorde's music, it would still be indie-pop shit in my opinion.) I know none of these rock artists I mentioned have done anything recently, except for Avril Lavigne, but that's not a good excuse since fucking PSY was nominated at the Billboard awards and he has done shit since last year. It proves the idiots who chose the categories at the Billboard Music Awards don't know what rock music is. Maybe Imagine Dragons is indie-rock, but I'm pretty sure Passenger is not rock of any kind. I've never heard of Capital Cities. Maybe they're rock. I don't know. But I know Lorde is NOT. 
In conclusion, Lorde is an obnoxious bitch who can't keep her mouth shut and who had to go ruin rock music. 

-Lilly J. 

P.S. I know this is mean, I admit it, but Lorde's hair looks like pubic hair and she dances badly. Also, goths are fucking weird. 

Does she like looking like she's possessed or having a seizure?
(And yes, even if I liked her, I'd still be asking this.)

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