Thursday, January 2, 2014

My New Years Resolution

I know I'm a day late, but Happy New Year anyway. 

My new years resolution is to do one good deed every day. To be clear, I'm not some horrible person who is trying to make up for my horribleness, and I'm also not limiting myself to only one good deed. But it's rare that people do good deeds every single day. And besides eating and sleeping and breathing, there isn't much I do every single day. It's a good challenge and hopefully I can do a lot of good deeds in 2014. 

Another thing I want to do in 2014 is learn to play the guitar. It was actually my resolution last year, but I failed, so I guess I'll try again this year. 

One more thing I'll attempt in 2014 is be more patient with idiots. I'm not really a bad tempered person, but I get visibly annoyed with unintelligent people, and I probably should be more patient with them. After all, they are... well, unintelligent. They probably don't understand why I'm pissed off sometimes. 

I guess those are all my resolutions for now. 

Happy New Year! 

-Lilly J. :) 

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