Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! 

Merry Christmas, people! Merry Christmas to Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, and all other religions. I know Christmas is supposed to celebrate the Birth of Christ and all, but I don't think we should exclude other religions. Besides, I think the whole Christ meaning of Christmas has gone away, which some might see as a bad thing, but I don't. Now Christmas symbolizes the new year and family and talking to people you haven't seen in years. I also don't think looking forward to Christmas specials and presents and decorating the tree is such a bad thing, even in some really extreme Christians think so. 
Anyway, Christmas is a time to be with your family and do all that fun stuff, like decorating the tree and giving presents and hanging up lights and making Christmas cookies. It's also a time to celebrate the Birth of Christ, but whether or not you're religious, we should all be allowed to celebrate Christmas. I know a lot of people are gonna disagree with me, but each to their own. 

Merry Christmas. 

-Lilly J. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Karma is a Bitch

Okay. If you've been reading my blog, which you probably haven't been, then you know I live with someone who smoked for 50 years. She quit a few years ago, which is wonderful, not just for her, but for the people around her who had to second hand smoke. 

Anyway, today, she had to wear an oxygen tank for her breathing problems. I know this is mean, but I was honestly laughing inside a little. I mean, come on! She smoked for 50 years!!! Besides her having coughing fits every day, I think life treated her kind considering she smoked for so long, but I think now she's finally get "pay-back" for it all. 

If she doesn't wear her oxygen tank before doing activities that could stress her body, she could die of a heart attack, the doctors say. Of course, I wasn't laughing because of that. Heart attacks aren't funny. But it was a little humorous to me that finally, finally her years of smoking are leading to some kind of punishment. Like I mentioned, she's been pretty healthy considering she smoked for so long, so in my opinion, she deserves this. 

Yes, I sound cruel, blah, blah, blah... But I'm not trying to be mean in anyway. I just think that she is getting what's coming to her, and it's about time. This should also be a warning sign if you smoke. Maybe you'll be lucky and only have minor coughing fits, or maybe you'll have to wear an oxygen tank. Maybe it'll be worse. Maybe you'll get lung cancer, or heart problems. To all those smokers, please try to quit. 

Anyway, this was probably a boring, meaningless blog post, but I just wanted people to remember that what goes around comes around. And if you've smoked for fifty some years, you're bound to have some lung problems. Again, I'm not trying to be mean, nor offend anyone. Smokers just need to be taught a lesson. 

-Lilly J. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

5 Things That Annoy Me

Life is wonderful. It's also a bitch. There are many great things that happen everyday, but the world is also filled with idiots and annoying s***. Here is my list of the most annoying things to me. I'll admit this is simply my opinion, but I believe it's an intelligent opinion and if you disagree with me, I'll totally respect that. 
This list is in no particular order. 

1. Family Guy 
It's not the worst sh** on TV, but it's still annoying. It's just a personal opinion though, so don't go ape sh** on me if you're some Family Guy fanatic. There are worst shows on television today, but Family Guy just annoys the crap out of me. The drawings are crappy, the plots are poorly written, and I don't find many of the jokes very funny. The characters are annoying as Hell, but again, just my opinion, so don't get all defensive. 

2. Liberals Who Use Civil Rights to Their Advantage 
I don't hate all liberals, so again, don't jump on me. I don't think all Democrats are this way, but the ones in power right now ARE. They say they support blacks, and gays, and immigrants so that they'll get votes. They fool the kind-hearted, gullible people of America. What's worse is these kinds of liberals try to give conservatives a bad name, and claiming Republicans are racists. If anyone disagrees with these liberals, they call those people "racist" or "homophobic" or "right-wing." They seem the think the last one is an insult, but it should really be a compliment if THIS is how liberals are. I might be overgeneralizing, I'll admit. Not ALL liberals are this way, but many are, and those who are annoy me. In simple terms, they take advantage of people's kindness. That is wrong on so many levels. 

3. Child Beauty Pageants 
They're child abuse. Simple as that. If the kid enjoys it, it's not as bad, but still, it's morally wrong. Notice how all the pageant moms are fat and ugly? Ok, not all, but a lot. The mothers go bat-sh** crazy and want their girls to win so desperately, and why? Cause they were too ugly for pageants themselves, and they want their dreams to be lived through their daughters. They make their daughters feel like winning is all that matters. The words, "It doesn't matter if you win, just have fun" don't exist to these pageant moms. They exploit their ignorant young girls. And when the girls don't win, it lowers the girls' self-esteem. That's awful. And pageant moms don't give a crap, obviously. Also, notice how happy the moms are when their daughters win. They dress up in fancy clothes like their daughters' and they get tiaras and their pictures taken. They get almost as much fame and praise as the daughters, only further proving that the moms are really doing this just for themselves. They consider the win theirs, the tiaras theirs... Everything is for themselves, not their daughters. Some might say they DO care for their daughters, but that's bullshit. Don't believe me? Look up pageant moms giving their 5-9 year olds botox and your opinion might change. 

4. Political Campaigns 
Political Campaigns are BULLSHIT. They're right-wing and left-wing propaganda. They're biased and usually full of lies. I'm talking about those annoying commercials that try to persuade you to vote for a certain candidate, like people running for Mayor, or government jobs. These commercials don't use facts- they make up good things about the person being promoted in it, and they often times dig up dirt on their rivaling candidate, or at least they pretend they've dug up dirt on the other candidates, even if they have to lie. They're unpersuasive, annoying, biased, stupid loads of horsesh*t. The worst thing is that they probably DO persuade people to vote for certain candidates. The best thing is they only come around during elections, so you only have to put up with them for a little out of the year, unlike the other annoying sh*t I've mentioned so far, which I have to tolerate every fricking day.

5. Twilight 
Twilight is the bane of my existence. It's ridiculous. It's awful on so many levels, and trying to explain my well-deserved hatred for it would take all day. It has plot holes, the characters are selfish psychopaths who make TERRIBLE TERRIBLE role models, people ACTUALLY use them as role models, the author is a selfish bitch who can't take criticism, and worst of all, it's impacted people to do horrible things, like dump their boyfriends cause they're not "Edward" or "Jacob", and kill people who don't like the books. People have admitted to being addicted to the books. Literally. I feels sorry for those people. They probably don't want to love that piece of shit. I don't feel sorry for any other Twilight fans cause they are b***rs and s***faced d-bags. Not all of them are, I guess, but most are and it's fucking ridiculous. The fact this book is popular makes my head spin. It makes no sense. It makes me sick. I hate Twilight and I think I have very very good reasons for hating it. 
I'll admit if you don't nit-pick the book, the plot holes are small, the characters' bad role modeling isn't a big deal, and the author isn't THAT much of a bitch. But that's not the problem. The problem is that there ARE plot holes, that the characters ARE bad role models- which wouldn't be half as bad if people weren't actually using them as role models. That's what makes me sick- and the author IS a selfish bitch. She can't stand anyone criticizing her book, which doesn't cut it if you're making your work public to a wide variety of audiences, some of which WILL criticize your work. You HAVE to be able to deal with that in some way or another. Stephenie Meyer- the wh*** who wrote Twilight- hides from criticism which is so lame and pathetic. Yes, haters can say mean things and hurt your feelings, Stephenie Meyer, but news flash- you're not the ONLY one who has been criticized. It happens to everyone and either you let it bother you, or you don't. Suck it up, bitch. It's how life works. 
I could rant forever, but I'll stop. I'll just leave you with these words... Vampires don't sparkle in the Goddamn sun, Twilight is a horrible influence, and I f**king hate the sh**ty Twilight Saga. 

That's all I have to rant about for now. I dislike other things, like smokers/smoking, animal cruelty, and other stuff, but I've ranted long enough. I hope that whether or not you agreed with me, you enjoyed this and I hope this enlightens you and maybe makes you reflect on your life thus far. Or maybe you didn't get half-way through and you find this a half-assed piece of sh**. That's OK too. 

-Lilly J.