Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lorde Criticizes Fellow Pop Artists

I'm so f***ing sick of Lorde. A lot of you might not know who that is. She's a 16 year old New Zealand pop artist who recently was the first New Zealand solo artist to have a number 1 song in the U.S., and she annoys she sh** out of me. Why, you ask? Because all she's done since becoming famous is criticize acclaimed singers. She claims Lana Del Rey, Selena Gomez, and Taylor Swift are bad role models. Lorde herself isn't a great role model, criticizing other people like that. She claims Selena Gomez's new song is "anti-feminist." It's not. And even if it was, these singers she's criticized aren't the only ones with anti-feminist songs, but no one else is getting bashed by Lorde. F***, Lorde's song "Royals" is very anti-feminist in MY opinion! It's also supposedly racist. Lorde is a jealous hypocritical b****. I'm not just saying that cause I disagree with her. I really truly honestly think she's jealous. She's only 16, so I'm sure a lot of what she said was out of ignorance, but the fact she's only bashing these really popular singers for being bad role models when they aren't leads me to believe Lorde is just jealous of them. I don't care if I hurt her feelings. She's probably hurt Taylor's, Selena's, and Lana's feelings. Even if she doesn't agree with them or get their music, criticizing them is rude and lame of her. I don't think any of Taylor's Selena's or Lana's songs are anti-feminist, but even if they were, what someone sings about isn't who they are in real life so saying what they sing about makes them bad role models is just f***ing stupid. 
Lorde also criticized Justin Bieber I think, but I don't really care for him. Despite that, I still don't think she should criticize his music. If she criticized him for the Anne Frank incident, or him pissing in a bucket, then that would be one thing. But his music? She doesn't have to like it, but I think we're all sick of her complaining about these other singers. Also the fact that all these singers are young pop artists like her and potential competition, that also makes me believe she's jealous of them. 
Lorde is almost an adult, but she still has a lot of growing up to do in my opinion. 

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