Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong

What do you think about Lance Armstrong? I didn't really know much about him until recently. I mean, I knew he was a famous biker and stuff, but I didn't know much about him. Well, now the word's out that he cheated and used enhancement drugs. This is really controversial, but people could really take either side. Even though he lied to America, he does feel the shame, and I know he's an idiot, but I can't help but feel kind of sorry for him. 
I pity him because no matter what he says, he can't go back and no one will ever let him live this down. His life is ruined, although it's his own fault. Of course, he shouldn't've taken drugs in the first place, but he's admitted to making a horrible mistake and letting everyone down. 
The reasons one might forgive him is because he apologized, admitted to his huge mistake, 
and I think has felt the embarrassment, shame, and punishment he knows he deserves. 
However, the reasons not to forgive him is that he LIED to the whole world. He was such an 
inspiration to so many people. Now those people are realizing they were played for fools, and 
they probably are feeling anger or disappointment or both. 
The French knew he cheated- or at least said it to be nasty or something, but they were right! 
Armstrong ruined people when he said, "I have never used drugs" because those people 
were right and they knew it, or wanted to believe it, but just because Armstrong was so great, 
all his fans defended him and I don't think anyone really looked at the facts. They just said, 
"He didn't take drugs!!!" Well, he DID, and even now that we know it, those people who were 
right all along STILL aren't getting credit. Everyone's going on about him taking drugs and 
betraying everyone, blah, blah, blah. But we still aren't apologizing to those who were right 
about him doping. Well, I know it is NOT my duty to apologize for those assholes who didn't apologize, but I will anyway. 
To the people who knew that Armstrong doped, I apologize on behalf of the people who haven't apologize. You were right all along, and the people who defended Armstrong should be almost as ashamed as him. Not as much, but almost. 
Anyway, I feel sorry for Lance Armstrong, but I feel worse for the lives he's ruined. I hope those who didn't get their apologies do and I hope Lance stays clean and everyone finally lets this shit blow over. There's probably no chance of this being forgotten, but we can hope. 
P.S. I hope those who thought he was their hero rethink things and get a new hero who 
doesn't take drugs. Also, no offense to Armstrong if he's reading this. I don't mean to offend 
him, I just want him to feel ashamed. I'm not sure he does, because he only apologize after he was caught and before, he denied everything. But like I said, it's two-sided. 

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