Saturday, April 26, 2014

Proof that Schools Today are Messed Up

What the Fuck is up with schools these days? The education system sucks balls. Students are learning useless crap. It's all just busy work. So many people made it through college, yet the majority of people in America are MORONS. Doesn't that say something?
Let's start with MY school, shall we? Just so you know I have proof that the schools are fucked up.
Yesterday, my class was taking the new SBA test. It's the new common core test that is now going to be on the computers. (Another sign the education system is fucking up. We don't need more online classes, damnit!!!!) Anyway... The teachers in the room had some technical difficulties with the computers and said we might have to all start over. (Luckily I wasn't very far yet, but some people were.) They were wrong fortunately, but they had no computer/technology skills whatsoever. Maybe it's not their job, or whatever, but they're supposed to be setting a good example for the students. And here's where it gets kind of ironic. On the wall in that very classroom, there's a list of things they want the students to become and one of the things was "Technology Literate Adults." Need I say more?
Here's the next thing about my school I wish to complain about. In the hallway, there's a poster for the fire department class and the caption says, "Rushing In While Others Running Out." It was bad grammar. Very bad grammar. I'm sure it was the students who wrote it, not the adults, although I'm not sure how much more acceptable that makes it since we're in HIGH SCHOOL. But anyway... The kids at my school aren't the brightest so I'm not surprised by the mistake really. What surprises me is that one of the adults didn't even notice it was bad grammar. Obviously an ADULT had to print out the poster. They didn't notice. Teachers walk past it every day. They don't notice. I truly think I was the first to say out loud that it was bad grammar. I said that to my teacher who did agree, but I don't think he would have noticed it otherwise. That proves how unobservant my school is.
Here's more proof the teachers aren't setting good examples. During the test yesterday, the teachers found a pack of gum on the floor. Did they ask who it belonged to? No. Did they try to return it? No. Did they take it to the school lost and found? No. Did they just leave it on a desk in case someone came back for it? NO. You know what they did? They opened the package, took a piece of gum, and chewed it. Great example, since the students themselves aren't allowed to have gum.
You've probably had enough of my rambling. Just one last thing I'd like to bitch about. During the test, I was sitting next to a friend. I was finished and they weren't. I was looking at them, and then a teacher came over and said I should move. They said they didn't think I was cheating, but I should move to another computer and pass the time since I was done. I did. Maybe they thought I'd be a distraction, but it was kind of ridiculous. I don't think it looked even remotely like I was fucking cheating. But what really pisses me off is that a few months ago, during the STAR testing, I saw two girls talking to each other during the test. They weren't trying to "cheat" but they were obviously talking out the answers with each other and I don't think they understood it was a standardized testing. No one caught them. If I had known their names I would have told on them. But I didn't. I almost see how it happened, because the SBA was in a very small room and the STAR testing was in the gym with dozens of students, but come on, teachers! You should have seen those two girls cheating. That pisses me off to no end and will probably bother me for the rest of my life.
Anyway, the school system is fucked up. Teachers set bad examples and the core curriculum is just useless busy work that will NOT help students become intelligent, will NOT prepare them for college, and will NOT help them in their fucking futures.
Thanks for listening.

How I Feel About the School System

Monday, April 7, 2014


Yes, this post will be insulting Obama. And I know that it's obvious I'm more conservative, but just so you know, I hate Republicans and Democrats. I also don't like Obama, but it isn't because he's a Democrat. He just lied to our faces and stupid Americans voted. I didn't vote for him. Anyway... even if I had liked him or tolerated him- which I didn't, but if- I would hate him now. Recently, my family got screwed over by ObamaCare. Even if you love Obama, you can probably say that the Affordable Care Act contributed to the loss of your healthcare plan. Losing our plans is bad enough, but what makes it worse is Obama stated like thirty times that WE COULD KEEP OUR PLAN!!! I never believed him, but a lot of Americans don't look into the facts and if they just turned on TV and heard the President say, "With the Affordable Care Act, you can keep your plan. Period" then they probably thought it sounded like a great idea. Even though I personally wouldn't believe Obama, I don't blame the American people for thinking ObamaCare sounded good. Ironically, it was supposed to help Americans afford healthcare and now thousands- maybe millions- can't afford healthcare because of ObamaCare. To be honest, it's not like Obama had to glorify ObamaCare that much anyway, since he forced it through Congress and then forced it on the American people. Anyway, it pisses me off. The government is so f***ed up, and it has been for years- not just since Obama's administration, but mostly. Bush and Clinton f***ed things up too. 
What I dislike the most about Obama is he f***ing lies to us. He said he would lower gas prices- but gas prices more than doubled during his administration and it's only getting worse. He said he would lower the deficit but that didn't happen. He said he would create new jobs for Americans, but he doesn't even have the power to "create new jobs" so that was an obvious lie. I guess it wasn't so obvious since so many people voted for him, but whatever. He didn't created new jobs. He said we could read the bills before they were made official which sounds great but was obviously a f***ing lie as well. And like I said, he lied about ObamaCare, and I think he knew it. For the other things, I'm not sure he purposely lied. But I think he DID lie on purpose about ObamaCare, because if it was really intended to help Americans, he wouldn't have needed to force ObamaCare on us. And like I said, even if you did or still do love Obama, he probably f***ed you with ObamaCare. A lot of people who used to believe in Obama now hate him because of ObamaCare, and I'm not making that up. It's true. Many Americans were screwed over just like me and they DID get pissed at Obama. These people included Democrats. 

36 Times Obama Said You Could Keep Your Health Care Plan