Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Kid Is Alright, The Episode Wasn't

The Simpsons aired a new episode a few weeks ago called "The Kid is Alright." It was about Lisa befriending a Republican. I hate it for so many reasons, which is why I am writing this post. Note that this post will probably only make sense to those who have watched the episode. Anyway, here's why I hated it.
First off, they're encouraging people to dis and stop being friends with people who are of a different political party. Liberals and conservatives- mostly liberals- are already doing that, so why encourage that? Another reason is, eight year olds should NOT be deciding if they're Republicans or Democrats. When Lisa said that in the episode, it looked like they were going to actually make a good point, but of course, they had to add the joke of Isabel's father having a monopoly, just because he's a Republican. But then again, the series has always been filled with plots and jokes based on stereotypes, which really annoys me, but I guess it was no surprise.
Another thing is, Lisa's mother, Marge, said Isabel was going through a "Republican phase" or something. Parents shouldn't force their political views on their children. I know Lisa would be liberal anyway, but Marge should have said that Isabel and Lisa should be friends no matter what their views are. But no, of course she didn't. No one in the entire episode made that point. Also, in the episode, the writers showed Lisa moping about having a Republican friend, but they didn't bother to show Isabel's side. She obviously didn't like liberals, but she didn't whine about it as much as Lisa. Even though she supposedly told her parents about Lisa being liberal, the writers didn't bother showing us what she said. As far as we know, she could have been whinier than Lisa- if that's possible, or she could have said it in a non-biased unwhiny perfectly normal way. I guess we'll never know, because the writers were being biased.
Liberals definitely played the victim in the episode, which is so wrong. And if it was real life, Lisa would have won the debate. Liberals control the media and most of the minds of people in America. Even if liberals deny it, they know it's true and they love every minute of it.
Another things is, the writers were trying to make fun of the fact Isabel was Hispanic, but here's a few reasons why that was stupid. First- Lisa was so surprised when she heard Isabel had a Spanish last name. Lisa and most liberals are so stupid they think ethnic people can't be Republicans!? Also, shouldn't Lisa be able to tell someone's ethnicity without having to hear their last name? And does Isabel having a Spanish last name MEAN she's Spanish? No. The funny thing about Isabel being Spanish was that the writers were trying to make conservatives look bad with that joke, but obviously made the liberals look bad instead. They made the liberals sound racist and ignorant, plus they made the point Republicans could be ethnic. The writers attempt to make liberals look good in that part of the episode was a fail.
Another thing is, although this is off the subject a little and not as serious an issue as the other stuff I mentioned about this episode, I think it was stupid that Lisa and Isabel didn't know the other person's political views until the live debate, even though they supposedly worked on it TOGETHER beforehand. As I said before, they shouldn't stop being friends because of different views. This episode definitely encouraged intolerance, which I know wasn't the point of it. So again, the writers failed.
If Isabel and Lisa had tried to be friends anyway, but realized they disagreed way too much and argued constantly, THAT would be a good reason to call the friendship off. But that's not what happened. They backed off the SECOND they knew of the others' political views. If the Simpsons writers actually thought this episode promoted good messages, they are DEAD WRONG. They only promoted intolerance, ignorance, and judging people based on stereotypes and not knowing the person. That is so wrong.
I know you might think I'm being biased, and yes, I'll admit I'm more on the conservative side of politics, but I do think some of what liberals stand for is okay. I just think the way liberals are today is ridiculous. They control the media and are impervious to criticism because otherwise they'll call those critics "racist" or "homophobic" or something else that isn't true. They take advantage of good people with good intentions to help themselves. And most of the people in America will never see. But even though I hate the liberals of today, I really truly am not trying to be biased. I don't hate liberals just for being Democrats. I just happen to not like what they're doing. In fact, if this helps you believe I'm truly not hating against liberals, I think the liberals of today are an insult to Democrats, because I DO think Democrats used to stand for something good. They promoted tolerance of gays, blacks, ect... Liberals now days pretend to do that so they get attention and stuff. So if you're a Democrat, I am not against YOU personally, because you probably have a good heart and are trying your best. It's just the liberals in office I dislike. I also dislike really powerful liberals because power goes to their heads. And that goes for the Republicans in office too. All politicians are d***s.
So yes, I'm a conservative. But am I being biased? No. I'm trying not to be.
I do think that when liberals are powerful and have access to the media, they become somewhat of monsters. They can steers what's being viewed to take THEIR side. The writers of the Simpsons admitted to being liberal. They obviously used this episode to kiss the liberals asses. It annoyed the shit out of me. And even with politics aside, it wasn't even a funny episode on any level. There were no funny jokes, no heartfelt moments, no clever moments. It was an overall crappy episode. I'm sure the writers were just proud to get their political viewpoints out there, but they shouldn't be too proud of this episode. And please don't think I'm claiming it was a bad episode JUST because I'm a Conservative. Like I said, politics aside, it was still unfunny and poorly done. Political views and bias have NOTHING to do with my opinion on that.
Anyway, that's all. If you're a Democrat, don't be too offended. I know you probably like the liberal officials, but it's just my opinion that they're corrupt and stuff. Also, if you like Lisa, don't be offended. I don't hate her like you may think. I don't even hate that she's a liberal. I just think she was being a d*** in this particular episode. Most of the time she's fine. And if you are a liberal and you think I'm a biased right-wing conservative, I'm not. Try to understand but if you can't, your loss.
Thanks for listening to my rants and stuff.

-Lilly J.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My New Years Resolution

I know I'm a day late, but Happy New Year anyway. 

My new years resolution is to do one good deed every day. To be clear, I'm not some horrible person who is trying to make up for my horribleness, and I'm also not limiting myself to only one good deed. But it's rare that people do good deeds every single day. And besides eating and sleeping and breathing, there isn't much I do every single day. It's a good challenge and hopefully I can do a lot of good deeds in 2014. 

Another thing I want to do in 2014 is learn to play the guitar. It was actually my resolution last year, but I failed, so I guess I'll try again this year. 

One more thing I'll attempt in 2014 is be more patient with idiots. I'm not really a bad tempered person, but I get visibly annoyed with unintelligent people, and I probably should be more patient with them. After all, they are... well, unintelligent. They probably don't understand why I'm pissed off sometimes. 

I guess those are all my resolutions for now. 

Happy New Year! 

-Lilly J. :)